
 (Provisional Member of the Shoe Gang)


1. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
20+ variety

2. The phrase that makes your heart flutter and your knees weak?
Serious: You're my reason for being.

Joking: Here's the credit card....go shopping on me, $5,000.00 limit though :-)

3. What do you find irresistible in a man (or woman if that's the path your shoes take you)

The way he talks to me and looks me in the eyes....you can just see yourself being absorbed into him....*sigh*

4. What turns you on?

Tight jeans, nibbles on the neck, a good conversation,

slow dancing with or without music.

5. What turns you off?

Linda EEWWW Smelly hasn't showered in a month smell,

rudeness, crappy shoes.

6.Who is your Dream Date?
Tim McGraw OR Thomas Jane

7. Why do you want to become a Shoe Gang Member?
Oh the fun with shoes and the friendships (ya know the gang mentality) just don't mess with the shoes or feet!

8.What is your personal quote, the motto you live by?

The first step is to say nice things about myself. The second, to do
nice things for myself. The third, to find someone to buy me nice

9. What will you add to the Shoe Gang's fun?

More shoes of course.......


Obviously JSA5150 deserves to be a member of the Shoe Gang. We are allowing her two dream dates until she can decide. We understand the anxiety caused by having to decide between 2 perfect pairs of shoes, and realize it is a process that should not be rushed. Perhaps JSA5150 will be lucky, and be able to have both! A true Shoe Gang member will always find a way to have both.

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